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iberation。 Of those three higher trainings; the most important is the one of wisdom。 So with regard to this wisdom which is crucial at the base and path and resultant level of the path; then how does this e about; how do we generate this wisdom within our mind; or within our being? We generate this through initially hearing a teaching about wisdom and then engaging in that particular practice。 So initially then; the benefits that e about through engaging in the three higher trainings … the state of liberation and so forth … all e about through initially hearing the Dharma teaching。

Then the second line from that text goes on to say that through listening; negativity; or non…virtue; is reversed。 So what this means is that through hearing the teaching; we understand what is virtuous to take up and what is non…virtuous and thus what are the objects to be abandoned。 So this is principally talking about the higher training of morality。 So here then if we talk about restraint … what is meant by 'restraint' here is the subduing of negative actions or negative states of mind。 So this again is something that is learned through hearing the teaching。 So through hearing the teaching we understand what is meant by a negative action and how to refrain from that particular action … we understand what is the base; what is the motivating factor; what is the intention with regard to the particular action or the particular karmic deed which we are going to perform and then what is meant by the rejoicing in that action afterwards。 So then if we don't understand this fourfold mode of action; then we can easily engage in negative actions; and then the ripening result of those; or the negative result of those; which will inevitably e will just be something that causes us displeasure later on。 For example; if we have not heard the Dharma teaching about the necessity of abandoning the negative action of stealing; we might engage in the practice of stealing; through borrowing something and not returning it; or we might engage in the practice of killing through being pestered by an insect; and through this we will inevitably receive the result of such actions。 If we don't want to have such unpleasant karmic results; we need to know what actions to abandon; and the only way we are going to understand what actions are to be abandoned is through hearing the Dharma teachings。 So again here then; the praise of listening to the Dharma teaching is that one will know exactly what negative actions to reverse and this is only understood through initially engaging in the practice of hearing a teaching upon that。

So then the third line talks about the higher training of concentration。 So if we talk about the mind of calm abiding; or shamatha; then this mind is one which spontaneously and effortlessly remains single…pointedly upon its object of observation。 So let's talk about the achieving of that state of mind … what does one need to initially engage in? One needs to initially understand what is meant by the object of observation; the object upon which we are going to generate this single…pointed mind; this single…pointed concentration。 Then we need to understand what are the beneficial mental factors which we need to take up; for example faith in the practice; introspection and so forth。 Then we also need to know the objects of abandonment which are abandoned by these positive attitudes; for example mental sinking; laxity and so forth。 So when we understand what is to be taken up and what is to be abandoned on this path of achieving this single…pointed mind of concentration; we will be able to engage in this particular practice of achieving a mind of calm…abiding。 So again; we only know what objects are to be taken up and what objects are to be abandoned (in this case; mind…states) through engaging in the practice of hearing the teaching about this particular mind…state; or the mind of calm abiding。 Then the last line says that in essence one achieves the state of liberation through hearing the teaching。 So here when we talk about having engaged in the practice of the three higher trainings; the natural result of that is to achieve the state of liberation。 If we look for the root cause of achieving the state of liberation; we will find that it is hearing the teaching。 So initially when one engages in the practice of hearing the teaching; then generating the various wisdoms which arise form hearing; and then contemplating the teaching; and then meditating single…pointedly on the teaching; then through having done that one generates the yogic direct perception of suchness; and then through single…pointed placement on that; one goes through the various stages and paths and achieves then the state of omniscience。 So all good qualities arise through initially engaging in the practice of hearing the teaching; thus hearing the teaching is incredibly important。

The Root Text

So after having gone through the benefits of listening to the Dharma; we should engage in the practice of listening to the Dharma teaching。 So the Dharma teaching which we are going to receive today is known as 'The Three Principles of the Path'。 So when we talk hear about 'path'; what is meant by 'path'? In general we can talk about various kinds of path; for example; a road or a rail…track; something which gets us from A to B。 However in this instance; we are not talking about a worldly path; we are rather talking about a spiritual path; and what is meant here by a spiritual path is one which gets us from a spiritual A to B; travelling through the various stages; based upon the oral instructions of the past masters; the present masters; and then taking those instructions to heart; putting them into practice; and through that moving through various stages of spiritual evolution。 Here 'principle' then refers to the main points of the path; like for example snatching the essence from what is known as the Lam Rim (or the graduated stages of the path to enlightenment) teachings。 So when we talk of these 'three principles of the path'; we talk about a person of smaller; middling and greater capacities and then the practices which are in mon with a person of smaller; middling and then the pinn
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