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the kite runner-第章

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own there two weeks earlier……he had left behind his gray suit and pocket watch。 The plan was for Khala Jamila to join him in a few months once he had settled。 She missed him terribly……and worried about his health there……and we had insisted she stay with us for a while。
The previous Thursday; the first day of spring; had been the Afghan New Year s Day……the Sawl…e…Nau……and Afghans in the Bay Area had planned celebrations
throughout the East Bay and the peninsula。 Kabir; Soraya; and I had an additional reason to rejoice: Our little hospital in Rawalpindi had opened the week before; not the surgical unit; just the pediatric clinic。 But it was a good start; we all agreed。
It had been sunny for days; but Sunday morning; as I swung my legs out of bed; I heard raindrops pelting the window。 Afghan luck; I thought。 Snickered。 I prayed morning _namaz_ while Soraya slept……I didn t have to consult the prayer pamphlet I had obtained from the mosque anymore; the verses came naturally now; effortlessly。
We arrived around noon and found a handful of people taking cover under a large rectangular plastic sheet mounted on six poles spiked to the ground。 Someone was already frying bolani; steam rose from teacups and a pot of cauliflower aush。 A scratchy old Ahmad Zahir song was blaring from a cassette player。 I smiled a little as the four of us rushed across the soggy grass field; Soraya and I in the lead; Khala Jamila in the middle; Sohrab behind us; the hood of his yellow raincoat bouncing on his back。
 What s so funny?  Soraya said; holding a folded newspaper over her head。
 You can take Afghans out of Paghman; but you can t take Paghman out of Afghans;  I said。
We stooped under the makeshift tent。 Soraya and Khala Jamila drifted toward an overweight woman frying spinach bolani。 Sohrab stayed under the canopy for a moment; then stepped back out into the rain; hands stuffed in the pockets of his raincoat; his hair……now brown and straight like Hassan s……plastered against his scalp。 He stopped near a coffee…colored puddle and stared at it。 No one seemed to notice。 No one called him back in。 With time; the queries about our adopted……and decidedly eccentric……little boy had mercifully ceased; and; considering how tactless Afghan queries can be sometimes; that was a considerable relief。 People stopped asking why he never spoke。 Why he didn t play with the other kids。 And best of all; they stopped suffocating us with their exaggerated empathy; their slow head shaking; their tsk tsks; their  Oh gung bichara。  Oh; poor little mute one。 The novelty had worn off。 Like dull wallpaper; Sohrab had blended into the background。
I shook hands with Kabir; a small; silver…haired man。 He introduced me to a dozen men; one of them a retired teacher; another an engineer; a former architect; a surgeon who was now running a hot dog stand in Hayward。 They all said they d known Baba in Kabul; and they spoke about him respectfully。 In one way or another; he had touched all their lives。 The men said I was lucky to have had such a great man for a father。
We chatted about the difficult and maybe thankless 
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