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the return of the king-第章

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a cry that pierced all other sounds; tearing the clouds asunder; the Nazg?l came; shooting like 
flaming bolts; as caught in the fiery ruin of hill and sky they crackled; withered; and went out。
     'Well; this is the end; Sam Gamgee;' said a voice by his side。 And there was Frodo; pale and 
worn; and yet himself again; and in his eyes there was peace now; neither strain of will; nor 
madness; nor any fear。 His burden was taken away。 There was the dear master of the sweet days in 
the Shire。
     'Master!' cried Sam。 and fell upon his knees。 In all that ruin of the world for the moment he felt 
only joy; great joy。 The burden was gone。 His master had been saved; he was himself again; he was 
free。 And then Sam caught sight of the maimed and bleeding hand。
     'Your poor hand!' he said。 'And I have nothing to bind it with; or fort it。 I would have spared 
him a whole hand of mine rather。 But he's gone now beyond recall; gone for ever。'
     'Yes;' said Frodo。 'But do you remember Gandalf's words: _Even Gollum may have something 
yet to do?_ But for him; Sam; I could not have destroyed the Ring。 The Quest would have been in 
vain; even at the bitter end。 So let us forgive him! For the Quest is achieved; and now all is over。 I 
am glad you are here with me。 Here at the end of all things; Sam。'

                           _Chapter 4_
            The Field of Cormallen

     All about the hills the hosts of Mordor raged。 The Captains of the West were foundering in a 
gathering sea。 The sun gleamed red; and under the wings of the Nazg?l the shadows of death fell 
dark upon the earth。 Aragorn stood beneath his banner; silent and stern; as one lost in thought of 
things long past or far away; but his eyes gleamed like stars that shine the brighter as the night 
deepens。 Upon the hill…top stood Gandalf; and he was white and cold and no shadow fell on him。 
The onslaught of Mordor broke like a wave on the beleaguered hills; voices roaring like a tide amid 
the wreck and crash of arms。
     As if to his eyes some sudden vision had been given; Gandalf stirred; and he turned; looking 
back north where the skies were pale and clear。 Then he lifted up his hands and cried in a loud 
voice ringing above the din: _The Eagles are ing!_ And many voices answered crying: _The 
Eagles are ing! The Eagles are ing!_ The hosts of Mordor looked up and wondered what 
this sign might mean。
     There came Gwaihir the Windlord; and Landroval his brother; greatest of all the Eagles of the 
North; mightiest of the descendants of old Thorondor; who built his eyries in the inaccessible peaks 
of the Encircling Mountains when Middle…earth was young。 Behind them in long swift lines came 
all their vassals from the northern mountains; speeding on a gathering wind。 Straight down upon 
the Nazg?l they bore; stooping suddenly out of the high airs; and the rush of their wide wings as 
they passed over was like a gale。
     But the Nazg?l turned and fled; and vanished into Mordor's shadows; hearing a sudden terrible 
call out of the Dark Tower; and even at that moment all the hosts of Mordor trembled; doubt 
clutched their hearts; their laughter failed; their hands shook and their limbs were loosed。 The 
Power that drove them on and filled them with hate and fury was wavering; its will was removed 
from them; and now looking in the eyes of their enemies they saw a deadly light and were afraid。
     Then all the Captains of the West cried aloud; for their hearts were filled with a new hope in the 
midst of darkness。 Out from the beleaguered hills knights of Gondor; Riders of Rohan; Dúnedain of 
the North; close…serried panies; drove against their wavering foes; piercing the press with the 
thrust of bitter spears。 But Gandalf lifted up his arms and called once more in a clear voice:
     'Stand; Men of the West! Stand and wait! This is the hour of doom。'
     And even as he spoke the earth rocked beneath their feet。 Then rising swiftly up; far above the 
Towers of the Black Gate; high above the mountains; a vast soaring darkness sprang into the sky; 
flickering with fire。 The earth groaned and quaked。 The Towers of the Teeth swayed; tottered; and 
fell down; the mighty rampart crumbled; the Black Gate was hurled in ruin; and from far away; 
now dim; now growing; now mounting to the clouds; there came a drumming rumble; a roar; a long 
echoing roll of ruinous noise。
     'The realm of Sauron is ended!' said Gandalf。 'The Ring…bearer has fulfilled his Quest。' And as 
the Captains gazed south to the Land of Mordor; it seemed to them that; black against the pall of 
cloud; there rose a huge shape of shadow; impenetrable; lightning…crowned; filling all the sky。 
Enormous it reared above the world; and stretched out towards them a vast threatening hand; 
terrible but impotent: for even as it leaned over them; a great wind took it; and it was all blown 
away; and passed; and then a hush fell。
     The Captains bowed their heads; and when they looked up again; behold! their enemies were 
flying and the power of Mordor was scattering like dust in the wind。 As when death smites the 
swollen brooding thing that inhabits their crawling hill and holds them all in sway; ants will wander 
witless and purposeless and then feebly die; so the creatures of Sauron; orc or troll or beast spell…
enslaved; ran hither and thither mindless; and some slew themselves; or cast themselves in pits; or 
fled wailing back to hide in holes and dark lightless places far from hope。 But the Men of Rh?n and 
of Harad; Easterling and Southron; saw the ruin of their war and the great majesty and glory of the 
Captains of the West。 And those that were deepest and longest in evil servitude; hating the West; 
and yet were men proud and bold; in their turn now gathered themselves for a last stand of 
desperate battle。 But the most part fled eastward as they could; and some cast their weapons down 
and sued for mercy。
     Then Gandalf; leaving all such matters of battle and mand to Aragorn and the other lords; 
stood upon the hill…top and called; and down to him came the great eagle; Gwaihir the Windlord; 
and stood before him。
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