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the return of the king-第章

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     Sam looked at him and wept in his heart; but no tears came to his dry and stinging eyes。 'I said 
I'd carry him; if it broke my back;' he muttered; 'and I will!'
     'e; Mr。 Frodo!' he cried。 'I can't carry it for you; but I can carry you and it as well。 So up you 
get! e on; Mr。 Frodo dear! Sam will give you a ride。 Just tell him where to go; and he'll go。'
     As Frodo clung upon his back; arms loosely about his neck; legs clasped firmly under his arms; 
Sam staggered to his feet; and then to his amazement he felt the burden light。 He had feared that he 
would have barely strength to lift his master alone; and beyond that he had expected to share in the 
dreadful dragging weight of the accursed Ring。 But it was not so。 Whether because Frodo was so 
worn by his long pains; wound of knife; and venomous sting; and sorrow; fear; and homeless 
wandering; or because some gift of final strength was given to him; Sam lifted Frodo with no more 
difficulty than if he were carrying a hobbit…child pig…a…back in some romp on the lawns or hayfields 
of the Shire。 He took a deep breath and started off。
     They had reached the Mountain's foot on its northern side; and a little to the westward; there its 
long grey slopes; though broken; were not sheer。 Frodo did not speak; and so Sam struggled on as 
best he could; having no guidance but the will to climb as high as might be before his strength gave 
out and his will broke。 On he toiled; up and up; turning this way and that to lessen the slope; often 
stumbling forward; and at the last crawling like a snail with a heavy burden on its back。 When his 
will could drive him no further; and his limbs gave way; he stopped and laid his master gently 
     Frodo opened his eyes and drew a breath。 It was easier to breathe up here above the reeks that 
coiled and drifted down below。 'Thank you; Sam;' he said in a cracked whisper。 'How far is there to 
     'I don't know;' said Sam; 'because I don't know where we're going。'
     He looked back; and then he looked up; and he was amazed to see how far his last effort had 
brought him。 The Mountain standing ominous and alone had looked taller than it was。 Sam saw 
now that it was less lofty than the high passes of the Ephel Dúath which he and Frodo had scaled。 
The confused and tumbled shoulders of its great base rose for maybe three thousand feet above the 
plain; and above them was reared half as high again its tall central cone; like a vast oast or chimney 
capped with a jagged crater。 But already Sam was more than half way up the base; and the plain of 
Gorgoroth was dim below him; wrapped in fume and shadow。 As he looked up he would have 
given a shout。 if his parched throat had allowed him; for amid the rugged humps and shoulders 
above him he saw plainly a path or road。 It climbed like a rising girdle from the west and wound 
snakelike about the Mountain; until before it went round out of view it reached the foot of the cone 
upon its eastern side。
     Sam could not see the course immediately above him; where it was lowest; for a steep slope 
went up from where he stood; but he guessed that if he could only struggle on just a little way 
further up; they would strike this path。 A gleam of hope returned to him。 They might conquer the 
Mountain yet。 'Why; it might have been put there a…purpose!' he said to himself。 'If it wasn't there; 
I'd have to say I was beaten in the end。'
     The path was not put there for the purposes of Sam。 He did not know it; but he was looking at 
Sauron's Road from Barad…d?r to the Sammath Naur; the Chambers of Fire。 Out from the Dark 
Tower's huge western gate it came over a deep abyss by a vast bridge of iron; and then passing into 
the plain it ran for a league between two smoking chasms; and so reached a long sloping causeway 
that led up on to the Mountain's eastern side。 Thence; turning and encircling all its wide girth from 
south to north; it climbed at last; high in the upper cone; but still far from the reeking summit; to a 
dark entrance that gazed back east straight to the Window of the Eye in Sauron's shadow…mantled 
fortress。 Often blocked or destroyed by the tumults of the Mountain's furnaces; always that road 
was repaired and cleaned again by the labours of countless orcs。
     Sam drew a deep breath。 There was a path; but how he was to get up the slope to it he did not 
know。 First he must ease his aching back。 He lay flat beside Frodo for a while。 Neither spoke。 
Slowly the light grew。 Suddenly a sense of urgency which he did not understand came to Sam。 It 
was almost as if he had been called: 'Now; now; or it will be too late!' He braced himself and got up。 
Frodo also seemed to have felt the call。 He struggled to his knees。
     'I'll crawl; Sam;' he gasped。
     So foot by foot; like small grey insects; they crept up the slope。 They came to the path and found 
that it was broad; paved with broken rubble and beaten ash。 Frodo clambered on to it; and then 
moved as if by some pulsion he turned slowly to face the East。 Far off the shadows of Sauron 
hung; but torn by some gust of wind out of the world; or else moved by some great disquiet within; 
the mantling clouds swirled; and for a moment drew aside; and then he saw; rising black; blacker 
and darker than the vast shades amid which it stood; the cruel pinnacles and iron crown of the 
topmost tower of Barad…d?r。 One moment only it stared out; but as from some great window 
immeasurably high there stabbed northward a flame of red; the flicker of a piercing Eye; and then 
the shadows were furled again and the terrible vision was removed。 The Eye was not turned to them: 
it was gazing north to where the Captains of the West stood at bay; and thither all its malice was 
now bent; as the Power moved to strike its deadly blow; but Frodo at that dreadful glimpse fell as 
one stricken mortally。 His hand sought the chain about his neck。
     Sam knelt by him。 Faint; almost inaudibly; he heard Frodo whispering: 'Help me; Sam! Help me; 
Sam! Hold my hand! I can't stop it。' Sam took his master's hands and laid them together; palm to 
palm; and kissed them; and then he hel
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