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the return of the king-第章

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they be mighty men of arms in whose faith and help we can trust。'
     'I will vouch for him before the seat of Denethor;' said Gandalf。 'And as for valour; that cannot 
be puted by stature。 He has passed through more battles and perils than you have; Ingold; 
though you be twice his height; and he es now from the storming of Isengard; of which we bear 
tidings; and great weariness is on him; or I would wake him。 His name is Peregrin; a very valiant 
     'Man?' said Ingold dubiously; and the others laughed。
     'Man!' cried Pippin; now thoroughly roused。 'Man! Indeed not! I am a hobbit and no more 
valiant than I am a man; save perhaps now and again by necessity。 Do not let Gandalf deceive you!'
     'Many a doer of great deeds might say no more;' said Ingold。 'But what is a hobbit?'
     'A Halfling;' answered Gandalf。 'Nay; not the one that was spoken of;' he added seeing the 
wonder in the men's faces。 'Not he; yet one of his kindred。'
     'Yes; and one who journeyed with him;' said Pippin。 'And Boromir of your City was with us; and 
he saved me in the snows of the North; and at the last he was slain defending me from many foes。'
     'Peace!' said Gandalf。 'The news of that grief should have been told first to the father。'
     'It has been guessed already;' said Ingold; 'for there have been strange portents here of late。 But 
pass on now quickly! For the Lord of Minas Tirith will be eager to see any that bear the latest 
tidings of his son; be he man or…'
     'Hobbit;' said Pippin。 'Little service can I offer to your lord; but what I can do; I would do; 
remembering Boromir the brave。'
     'Fare you well!' said Ingold; and the men made way for Shadow fax; and he passed through a 
narrow gate in the wall。 'May you bring good counsel to Denethor in his need; and to us all; 
Mithrandir!' Ingold cried。 'But you e with tidings of grief and danger; as is your wont; they say。'
     'Because I e seldom but when my help is needed;' answered Gandalf。 'And as for counsel; to 
you I would say that you are over…late in repairing the wall of the Pelennor。 Courage will now be 
your best defence against the storm that is at hand – that and such hope as I bring。 For not all the 
tidings that I bring are evil。 But leave your trowels and sharpen your swords!'
     'The work will be finished ere evening;' said Ingold。 'This is the last portion of the wall to be put 
in defence: the least open to attack; for it looks towards our friends of Rohan。 Do you know aught 
of them? Will they answer the summons; think you?'
     'Yes; they will e。 But they have fought many battles at your back。 This road and no road 
looks towards safety any longer。 Be vigilant! But for Gandalf Stormcrow you would have seen a 
host of foes ing out of Anórien and no Riders of Rohan。 And you may yet。 Fare you well; and 
sleep not!'

     Gandalf passed now into the wide land beyond the Rammas Echor。 So the men of Gondor called 
the out wall that they had built with great labour; after Ithilien fell under the shadow of their Enemy。 
For ten leagues or more it ran from the mountains' feet and so back again; enclosing in its fence the 
fields of the Pelennor: fair and fertile townlands on the long slopes and terraces falling to the deep 
levels of the Anduin。 At its furthest point from the Great Gate of the City; north…eastward; the wall 
was four leagues distant; and there from a frowning bank it overlooked the long flats beside the 
river; and men had made it high and strong; for at that point; upon a walled causeway; the road 
came in from the fords and bridges of Osgiliath and passed through a guarded gate between 
embattled towers。 At its nearest point the wall was little more than one league from the City; and 
that was south…eastward。 There Anduin; going in a wide knee about the hills of Emyn Arnen in 
South Ithilien; bent sharply west; and the out…wall rose upon its very brink; and beneath it lay the 
quays and landings of the Harlond for craft that came upstream from the southern fiefs。
     The townlands were rich; with wide tilth and many orchards; and homesteads there were with 
oast and garner; fold and byre; and many rills rippling through the green from the highlands down 
to Anduin。 Yet the herdsmen and husbandmen that dwelt there were not many; and the most part of 
the people of Gondor lived in the seven circles of the City; or in the high vales of the mountain…
borders; in Lossarnach; or further south in fair Lebennin with its five swift streams。 There dwelt a 
hardy folk between the mountains and the sea。 They were reckoned men of Gondor; yet their blood 
was mingled; and there were short and swarthy folk among them whose sires came more from the 
forgotten men who housed in the shadow of the hills in the Dark Years ere the ing of the kings。 
But beyond; in the great fief of Belfalas; dwelt Prince Imrahil in his castle of Dol Amroth by the 
sea; and he was of high blood; and his folk also; tall men and proud with sea…grey eyes。
     Now after Gandalf had ridden for some time the light of day grew in the sky; and Pippin roused 
himself and looked up。 To his left lay a sea of mist; rising to a bleak shadow in the East; but to his 
right great mountains reared their heads; ranging from the West to a steep and sudden end; as if in 
the making of the land the River had burst through a great barrier; carving out a mighty valley to be 
a land of battle and debate in times to e。 And there where the White Mountains of Ered Nimrais 
came to their end he saw; as Gandalf had promised; the dark mass of Mount Mindolluin; the deep 
purple shadows of its high glens; and its tall face whitening in the rising day。 And upon its out…
thrust knee was the Guarded City; with its seven walls of stone so strong and old that it seemed to 
have been not builded but carven by giants out of the bones of the earth。
     Even as Pippin gazed in wonder the walls passed from looming grey to white; blushing faintly in 
the dawn; and suddenly the sun climbed over the eastern shadow and sent forth a shaft that smote 
the face of the City。 Then Pippin cried aloud; for the Tower of Ecthelion; standing high with
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