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the return of the king-第章

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and they will not return until tomorrow。 But I count now every hour; indeed every minute。 
     Then she fell on her knees; saying: 'I beg thee!'
     'Nay; lady;' he said; and taking her by the hand he raised her。 Then he kissed her hand; and 
sprang into the saddle; and rode away; and did not look back; and only those who knew him well 
and were near to him saw the pain that he bore。
     But éowyn stood still as a figure carven in stone; her hands clenched at her sides; and she 
watched them until they passed into the shadows under the black Dwimorberg; the Haunted 
Mountain; in which was the Gate of the Dead。 When they were lost to view; she turned; stumbling 
as one that is blind; and went back to her lodging。 But none of her folk saw this parting; for they hid 
themselves in fear and would not e forth until the day was up; and the reckless strangers were 
     And some said: 'They are Elvish wights。 Let them go where they belong; into the dark places; 
and never return。 The times are evil enough。'

     The light was still grey as they rode; for the sun had not yet climbed over the black ridges of the 
Haunted Mountain before them。 A dread fell on them; even as they passed between the lines of 
ancient stones and so came to the Dimholt。 There under the gloom of black trees that not even 
Legolas could long endure they found a hollow place opening at the mountain's root; and right in 
their path stood a single mighty stone like a finger of doom。
     'My blood runs chill;' said Gimli; but the others were silent; and his voice fell dead on the dank 
fir…needles at his feet。 The horses would not pass the threatening stone; until the riders dismounted 
and led them about。 And so they came at last deep into the glen; and there stood a sheer wall of 
rock; and in the wall the Dark Door gaped before them like the mouth of night。 Signs and figures 
were carved above its wide arch too dim to read; and fear flowed from it like a grey vapour。
     The pany halted; and there was not a heart among them that did not quail; unless it were the 
heart of Legolas of the Elves; for whom the ghosts of Men have no terror。
     'This is an evil door;' said Halbarad; 'and my death lies beyond it。 I will dare to pass it 
nonetheless; but no horse will enter。'
     'But we must go in; and therefore the horses must go too;' said Aragorn。 'For if ever we e 
through this darkness; many leagues lie beyond; and every hour that is lost there will bring the 
triumph of Sauron nearer。 Follow me!'
     Then Aragorn led the way; and such was the strength of his will in that hour that all the 
Dúnedain and their horses followed him。 And indeed the love that the horses of the Rangers bore 
for their riders was so great that they were willing to face even the terror of the Door; if their 
masters' hearts were steady as they walked beside them。 But Arod; the horse of Rohan; refused the 
way; and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievous to see。 Then Legolas laid his 
hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom; until he suffered himself to be 
led; and Legolas passed in。 And there stood Gimli the Dwarf left all alone。
     His knees shook; and he was wroth with himself。 'Here is a thing unheard of!' he said。 'An Elf 
will go underground and a Dwarf dare not!' With that he plunged in。 But it seemed to him that he 
dragged his feet like lead over the threshold; and at once a blindness came upon him; even upon 
Gimli Glóin's son who had walked unafraid in many deep places of the world。
     Aragorn had brought torches from Dunharrow; and now he went ahead bearing one aloft; and 
Elladan with another went at the rear; and Gimli; stumbling behind; strove to overtake him。 He 
could see nothing but the dim flame of the torches; but if the pany halted; there seemed an 
endless whisper of voices all about him; a murmur of words in no tongue that he had ever heard 
     Nothing assailed the pany nor withstood their passage; and yet steadily fear grew on the 
Dwarf as he went on: most of all because he knew now that there could be no turning back; all the 
paths behind were thronged by an unseen host that followed in the dark。
     So time unreckoned passed; until Gimli saw a sight that he was ever afterwards loth to recall。 
The road was wide; as far as he could judge; but now the pany came suddenly into a great 
empty space; and there were no longer any walls upon either side。 The dread was so heavy on him 
that he could hardly walk。 Away to the left something glittered in the gloom as Aragorn's torch 
drew near。 Then Aragorn halted and went to look what it might be。
     'Does he feel no fear?' muttered the Dwarf。 'In any other cave Gimli Glóin's son would have 
been the first to run to the gleam of gold。 But not here! Let it lie!'
     Nonetheless he drew near; and saw Aragorn kneeling; while Elladan held aloft both torches。 
Before him were the bones of a mighty man。 He had been clad in mail; and still his harness lay 
there whole; for the cavern's air was as dry as dust; and his hauberk was gilded。 His belt was of 
gold and garnets; and rich with gold was the helm upon his bony head face downward on the floor。 
He had fallen near the far wall of the cave; as now could be seen; and before him stood a stony door 
closed fast: his finger…bones were still clawing at the cracks。 A notched and broken sword lay by 
him; as if he had hewn at the rock in his last despair。
     Aragorn did not touch him; but after gazing silently for a while he rose and sighed。 'Hither shall 
the flowers of _simbelmyn?_ e never unto world's end;' he murmured。 'Nine mounds and seven 
there are now green with grass; and through all the long years he has lain at the door that he could 
not unlock。 Whither does it lead? Why would he pass? None shall ever know!
     'For that is not my errand!' he cried; turning back and speaking to the whispering darkness 
behind。 'Keep your hoards and your secrets hidden in the Accursed Years! Speed only we ask。 Let 
us pass; and then e! I summon you to the Stone of Erech!'
     There was no answer; unless it were an utte
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