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the return of the king-第章

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ringing into the sky。 Far over hill and field it echoed; and so pelling was that call that Sam 
himself almost turned and dashed back。 His pony reared and neighed。
     'On; lad! On!' he cried。 'We'll be going back soon。'
     Then he heard Merry change the note; and up went the Horn…cry of Buckland; shaking the air。

            _Awake! Awake! Fear; Fire; Foes! Awake!
            Fire; Foes! Awake!_

     Behind him Sam heard a hubbub of voices and a great din and slamming of doors。 In front of 
him lights sprang out in the gloaming; dogs barked; feet came running。 Before he got to the lane's 
end there was Farmer Cotton with three of his lads; Young Tom; Jolly; and Nick; hurrying towards 
him。 They had axes in their hands; and barred the way。
     'Nay! It's not one of them ruffians;' Sam heard the farmer say。 'It's a hobbit by the size of it; but 
all dressed up queer。 Hey!' he cried。 'Who are you; and what's all this to…do?'
     'It's Sam; Sam Gamgee。 I've e back。'
     Farmer Cotton came up close and stared at him in the twilight。 'Well!' he exclaimed。 'The voice 
is right; and your face is no worse than it was; Sam。 But I should a' passed you in the street in that 
gear。 You've been in foreign parts; seemingly。 We feared you were dead。'
     'That I ain't!' said Sam。 'Nor Mr。 Frodo。 He's here and his friends。 And that's the to…do。 They're 
raising the Shire。 We're going to clear out these ruffians; and their Chief too。 We're starting now。'
     'Good; good!' cried Farmer Cotton。 'So it's begun at last! I've been itching for trouble all this 
year; but folks wouldn't help。 And I've had the wife and Rosie to think of。 These ruffians don't stick 
at nothing。 But e on now; lads! Bywater is up! We must be in it!'
     'What about Mrs。 Cotton and Rosie?' said Sam。 'It isn't safe yet for them to be left all alone。'
     'My Nibs is with them。 But you can go and help him; if you have a mind;' said Farmer Cotton 
with a grin。 Then he and his sons ran off towards the village。
     Sam hurried to the house。 By the large round door at the top of the steps from the wide yard 
stood Mrs。 Cotton and Rosie; and Nibs in front of them grasping a hay…fork。
     'It's me!' shouted Sam as he trotted up。 'Sam Gamgee! So don't try prodding me; Nibs。 Anyway; 
I've a mail…shirt on me。'
     He jumped down from his pony and went up the steps。 They stared at him in silence。 'Good 
evening; Mrs。 Cotton!' he said。 'Hullo Rosie!'
     'Hullo; Sam!' said Rosie。 'Where've you been I They said you were dead; but I've been expecting 
you since the Spring。 You haven't hurried have you?'
     'Perhaps not;' said Sam abashed。 'But I'm hurrying now。 We're setting about the ruffians; and I've 
got to get back to Mr。 Frodo。 But I thought I'd have a look and see how Mrs。 Cotton was keeping; 
and you; Rosie。'
     'We're keeping nicely; thank you;' said Mrs。 Cotton。 'Or should be; if it weren't for these thieving 
     'Well; be off with you!' said Rosie。 'If you've been looking after Mr。 Frodo all this while; what 
d'you want to leave him for; as soon as things look dangerous?'
     This was too much for Sam。 It needed a week's answer; or none。 He turned away and mounted 
his pony。 But as he started off; Rosie ran down the steps。
     'I think you look fine; Sam;' she said。 'Go on now! But take care of yourself; and e straight 
back as soon as you have settled the ruffians!'
     When Sam got back he found the whole village roused。 Already; apart from many younger lads; 
more than a hundred sturdy hobbits were assembled with axes; and heavy hammers; and long 
knives; and stout staves: and a few had hunting…bows。 More were still ing in from outlying 
     Some of the village…folk had lit a large fire; just to enliven things; and also because it was one of 
the things forbidden by the Chief。 It burned bright as night came on。 Others at Merry's orders were 
setting up barriers across the road at each end of the village。 When the Shirriffs came up to the 
lower one they were dumbfounded; but as soon as they saw how things were; most of them took off 
their feathers and joined in the revolt。 The others slunk away。
     Sam found Frodo and his friends by the fire talking to old Tom Cotton; while an admiring crowd 
of Bywater folk stood round and stared。
     'Well; what's the next move?' said Farmer Cotton。
     'I can't say;' said Frodo; 'until I know more。 How many of these ruffians are there?'
     'That's hard to tell;' said Cotton。 'They moves about and es and goes。 There's sometimes fifty 
of them in their sheds up Hobbiton way; but they go out from there roving round; thieving or 
〃gathering〃 as they call it。 Still there's seldom less than a score round the Boss; as they names him。 
He's at Bag End; or was; but he don't go outside the rounds now。 No one s seen him at all; in fact; 
for a week or two; but the Men don't let no one go near。'
     'Hobbiton's not their only place; is it?' said Pippin。
     'No; more's the pity;' said Cotton。 'There's a good few down south in Longbottom and by Sarn 
Ford; I hear; and some more lurking in the Woody End; and they've sheds at Waymeet。 And then 
there's the Lockholes; as they call 'em: the old storage…tunnels at Michel Delving that they've made 
into prisons for those as stand up to them。 Still I reckon there's not above three hundred of them in 
the Shire all told; and maybe less。 We can master them; if we stick together。'
     'Have they got any weapons?' asked Merry。
     'Whips; knives; and clubs; enough for their dirty work: that's all they've showed so far;' said 
Cotton。 'But I dare say they've got other gear; if it es to fighting。 Some have bows; anyway。 
They've shot one or two of our folk。'
     'There you are; Frodo!' said Merry。 'I knew we should have to fight。 Well; they started the 
     'Not exactly;' said Cotton。 'Leastways not the shooting。 Tooks started that。 You see our dad Mr。 
Peregrin; he's never had no truck with this Lotho; not from the beginning: said that if anyone was 
going to play the chief at this time of day; it would be the right Thain of the Shire and no upstart。 
And when Lotho se
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