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lines; there is no contradiction; for the conceptions of two
straight lines and of their junction contain no negation of a
figure。 The impossibility in such a case does not rest upon the
conception in itself; but upon the construction of it in space; that
is to say; upon the conditions of space and its determinations。 But
these have themselves objective reality; that is; they apply to
possible things; because they contain a priori the form of
experience in general。
  And now we shall proceed to point out the extensive utility and
influence of this postulate of possibility。 When I represent to myself
a thing that is permanent; so that everything in it which changes
belongs merely to its state or condition; from such a conception alone
I never can cognize that such a thing is possible。 Or; if I
represent to myself something which is so constituted that; when it is
posited; something else follows always and infallibly; my thought
contains no self…contradiction; but whether such a property as
causality is to be found in any possible thing; my thought alone
affords no means of judging。 Finally; I can represent to myself
different things (substances) which are so constituted that the
state or condition of one causes a change in the state of the other;
and reciprocally; but whether such a relation is a property of
things cannot be perceived from these conceptions; which contain a
merely arbitrary synthesis。 Only from the fact; therefore; that
these conceptions express a priori the relations of perceptions in
every experience; do we know that they possess objective reality; that
is; transcendental truth; and that independent of experience; though
not independent of all relation to form of an experience in general
and its synthetical unity; in which alone objects can be empirically
  But when we fashion to ourselves new conceptions of substances;
forces; action; and reaction; from the material presented to us by
perception; without following the example of experience in their
connection; we create mere chimeras; of the possibility of which we
cannot discover any criterion; because we have not taken experience
for our instructress; though we have borrowed the conceptions from
her。 Such fictitious conceptions derive their character of possibility
not; like the categories; a priori; as conceptions on which all
experience depends; but only; a posteriori; as conceptions given by
means of experience itself; and their possibility must either be
cognized a posteriori and empirically; or it cannot be cognized at
all。 A substance which is permanently present in space; yet without
filling it (like that tertium quid between matter and the thinking
subject which some have tried to introduce into metaphysics); or a
peculiar fundamental power of the mind of intuiting the future by
anticipation (instead of merely inferring from past and present
events); or; finally; a power of the mind to place itself in munity
of thought with other men; however distant they may be… these are
conceptions the possibility of which has no ground to rest upon。 For
they are not based upon experience and its known laws; and; without
experience; they are a merely arbitrary conjunction of thoughts;
which; though containing no internal contradiction; has no claim to
objective reality; neither; consequently; to the possibility of such
an object as is thought in these conceptions。 As far as concerns
reality; it is self…evident that we cannot cogitate such a possibility
in concreto without the aid of experience; because reality is
concerned only with sensation; as the matter of experience; and not
with the form of thought; with which we can no doubt indulge in
shaping fancies。
  But I pass by everything which derives its possibility from
reality in experience; and I purpose treating here merely of the
possibility of things by means of a priori conceptions。 I maintain;
then; that the possibility of things is not derived from such
conceptions per se; but only when considered as formal and objective
conditions of an experience in general。
  It seems; indeed; as if the possibility of a triangle could be
cognized from the conception of it alone (which is certainly
independent of experience); for we can certainly give to the
conception a corresponding object pletely a priori; that is to say;
we can construct it。 But as a triangle is only the form of an
object; it must remain a mere product of the imagination; and the
possibility of the existence of an object corresponding to it must
remain doubtful; unless we can discover some other ground; unless we
know that the figure can be cogitated under the conditions upon
which all objects of experience rest。 Now; the facts that space is a
formal condition a priori of external experience; that the formative
synthesis; by which we construct a triangle in imagination; is the
very same as that we employ in the apprehension of a phenomenon for
the purpose of making an empirical conception of it; are what alone
connect the notion of the possibility of such a thing; with the
conception of it。 In the same manner; the possibility of continuous
quantities; indeed of quantities in general; for the conceptions of
them are without exception synthetical; is never evident from the
conceptions in themselves; but only when they are considered as the
formal conditions of the determination of objects in experience。 And
where; indeed; should we look for objects to correspond to our
conceptions; if not in experience; by which alone objects are
presented to us? It is; however; true that without antecedent
experience we can cognize and characterize the possibility of
things; relatively to the formal conditions; under which something
is determined in experience as an object; consequently; pletely a
priori。 But still this is possible only in relation to experience
and within its limits。
  The postulate concerning the cognition of the reality of things
requires perception; consequently conscious sensation; not indeed
immediately; that is; of the object itself; whose existence is to be
cognized; but still that the object have some connection with a real
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