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seeking a transcendental deduction; not only of these conceptions
themselves; but likewise of space; because; inasmuch as they make
affirmations concerning objects not by means of the predicates of
intuition and sensibility; but of pure thought a priori; they apply to
objects without any of the conditions of sensibility。 Besides; not
being founded on experience; they are not presented with any object in
a priori intuition upon which; antecedently to experience; they
might base their synthesis。 Hence results; not only doubt as to the
objective validity and proper limits of their use; but that even our
conception of space is rendered equivocal; inasmuch as we are very
ready with the aid of the categories; to carry the use of this
conception beyond the conditions of sensuous intuition… and; for
this reason; we have already found a transcendental deduction of it
needful。 The reader; then; must be quite convinced of the absolute
necessity of a transcendental deduction; before taking a single step
in the field of pure reason; because otherwise he goes to work
blindly; and after he has wondered about in all directions; returns to
the state of utter ignorance from which he started。 He ought;
moreover; clearly to recognize beforehand the unavoidable difficulties
in his undertaking; so that he may not afterwards plain of the
obscurity in which the subject itself is deeply involved; or bee
too soon impatient of the obstacles in his path; because we have a
choice of only two things… either at once to give up all pretensions
to knowledge beyond the limits of possible experience; or to bring
this critical investigation to pletion。
  We have been able; with very little trouble; to make it
prehensible how the conceptions of space and time; although a
priori cognitions; must necessarily apply to external objects; and
render a synthetical cognition of these possible; independently of all
experience。 For inasmuch as only by means of such pure form of
sensibility an object can appear to us; that is; be an object of
empirical intuition; space and time are pure intuitions; which contain
a priori the condition of the possibility of objects as phenomena; and
an a priori synthesis in these intuitions possesses objective
  On the other hand; the categories of the understanding do not
represent the conditions under which objects are given to us in
intuition; objects can consequently appear to us without necessarily
connecting themselves with these; and consequently without any
necessity binding on the understanding to contain a priori the
conditions of these objects。 Thus we find ourselves involved in a
difficulty which did not present itself in the sphere of
sensibility; that is to say; we cannot discover how the subjective
conditions of thought can have objective validity; in other words; can
bee conditions of the possibility of all cognition of objects;
for phenomena may certainly be given to us in intuition without any
help from the functions of the understanding。 Let us take; for
example; the conception of cause; which indicates a peculiar kind of
synthesis; namely; that with something; A; something entirely
different; B; is connected according to a law。 It is not a priori
manifest why phenomena should contain anything of this kind (we are of
course debarred from appealing for proof to experience; for the
objective validity of this conception must be demonstrated a
priori); and it hence remains doubtful a priori; whether such a
conception be not quite void and without any corresponding object
among phenomena。 For that objects of sensuous intuition must
correspond to the formal conditions of sensibility existing a priori
in the mind is quite evident; from the fact that without these they
could not be objects for us; but that they must also correspond to the
conditions which understanding requires for the synthetical unity of
thought is an assertion; the grounds for which are not so easily to be
discovered。 For phenomena might be so constituted as not to correspond
to the conditions of the unity of thought; and all things might lie in
such confusion that; for example; nothing could be met with in the
sphere of phenomena to suggest a law of synthesis; and so correspond
to the conception of cause and effect; so that this conception would
be quite void; null; and without significance。 Phenomena would
nevertheless continue to present objects to our intuition; for mere
intuition  does not in any respect stand in need of the functions of
  If we thought to free ourselves from the labour of these
investigations by saying: 〃Experience is constantly offering us
examples of the relation of cause and effect in phenomena; and
presents us with abundant opportunity of abstracting the conception of
cause; and so at the same time of corroborating the objective validity
of this conception〃; we should in this case be overlooking the fact;
that the conception of cause cannot arise in this way at all; that; on
the contrary; it must either have an a priori basis in the;
understanding; or be rejected as a mere chimera。 For this conception
demands that something; A; should be of such a nature that something
else; B; should follow from it necessarily; and according to an
absolutely universal law。 We may certainly collect from phenomena a
law; according to which this or that usually happens; but the
element of necessity is not to be found in it。 Hence it is evident
that to the synthesis of cause and effect belongs a dignity; which
is utterly wanting in any empirical synthesis; for it is no mere
mechanical synthesis; by means of addition; but a dynamical one;
that is to say; the effect is not to be cogitated as merely annexed to
the cause; but as posited by and through the cause; and resulting from
it。 The strict universality of this law never can be a
characteristic of empirical laws; which obtain through induction
only a parative universality; that is; an extended range of
practical application。 But the pure conceptions of the understanding
would entirely lose all their peculiar character; if we treated them
merely as the productions of experience。

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