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马基雅维里 君主论英文prince-第章

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and despised; the one; his having kept sheep in Thrace; which brought

him into contempt (it being well known to all; and considered a great

indignity by every one); and the other; his having at the accession to

his dominions deferred going to Rome and taking possession of the

imperial seat; he had also gained a reputation for the utmost ferocity

by having; through his prefects in Rome and elsewhere in the empire;

practised many cruelties; so that the whole world was moved to anger at

the meanness of his birth and to fear at his barbarity。 First Africa

rebelled; then the Senate with all the people of Rome; and all Italy

conspired against him; to which may be added his own army: this latter;

besieging Aquileia and meeting with difficulties in taking it; were

disgusted with his cruelties; and fearing him less when they found so

many against him; murdered him。

I do not wish to discuss Heliogabalus; Macrinus; or Julian; who; being

thoroughly contemptible; were quickly wiped out; but I will bring this

discourse to a conclusion by saying that princes in our times have this

difficulty of giving inordinate satisfaction to their soldiers in a far

less degree; because; notwithstanding one has to give them some

indulgence; that is soon done; none of these princes have armies that

are veterans in the governance and administration of provinces; as were

the armies of the Roman Empire; and whereas it was then more necessary

to give satisfaction to the soldiers than to the people; it is now more

necessary to all princes; except the Turk and the Soldan; to satisfy the

people rather than the soldiers; because the people are the more


From the above I have excepted the Turk; who always keeps round him

twelve infantry and fifteen thousand cavalry on which depend the

security and strength of the kingdom; and it is necessary that; putting

aside every consideration for the people; he should keep them his

friends。 The kingdom of the Soldan is similar; being entirely in the

hands of soldiers; follows again that; without regard to the people; he

must keep them his friends。 But you must note that the state of the

Soldan is unlike all other principalities; for the reason that it is

like the Christian pontificate; which cannot be called either an

hereditary or a newly formed principality; because the sons of the old

prince not the heirs; but he who is elected to that position by those

who have authority; and the sons remain only noblemen。 And this being an

ancient custom; it cannot be called a new principality; because there

are none of those difficulties in it that are met with in new ones; for

although the prince is new; the constitution of the state is old; and it

is framed so as to receive him as if he were its hereditary lord。

But returning to the subject of our discourse; I say that whoever will

consider it will acknowledge that either hatred or contempt has been

fatal to the above…named emperors; and it will be recognized also how it

happened that; a number of them acting in one way and a number in

another; only one in each way came to a happy end and the rest to

unhappy ones。 Because it would have been useless and dangerous for

Pertinax and Alexander; being new princes; to imitate Marcus; who was

heir to the principality; and likewise it would have been utterly

destructive to Caracalla; modus; and Maximinus to have imitated

Severus; they not having sufficient valour to enable them to tread in

his footsteps。 Therefore a prince; new to the principality; cannot

imitate the actions of Marcus; nor; again; is it necessary to follow

those of Severus; but he ought to take from Severus those parts which

are necessary to found his state; and from Marcus those which are proper

and glorious to keep a state that may already be stable and firm。




1。 SOME princes; so as to hold securely the state; have disarmed their

subjects; others have kept their subject towns by factions; others have

fostered enmities against themselves; others have laid themselves out to

gain over those whom they distrusted in the beginning of their

governments; some have built fortresses; some have overthrown and

destroyed them。 And although one cannot give a final judgment on all one

of these things unless one possesses the particulars of those states in

which a decision has to be made; nevertheless I will speak as

prehensively as the matter of itself will admit。

2。 There never was a new prince who has disarmed his subjects; rather

when he has found them disarmed he has always armed them; because; by

arming them; those arms bee yours; those men who were distrusted

bee faithful; and those who were faithful are kept so; and your

subjects bee your adherents。 And whereas all subjects cannot be

armed; yet when those whom you do arm are benefited; the others can be

handled more freely; and this difference in their treatment; which they

quite understand; makes the former your dependants; and the latter;

considering it to be necessary that those who have the most danger and

service should have the most reward; excuse you。 But when you disarm

them; you at once offend them by showing that you distrust them; either

for cowardice or for want of loyalty; and either of these opinions

breeds hatred against you。 And because you cannot remain unarmed; it

follows that you turn to mercenaries; which are of the character already

shown; even if they should be good they would not be sufficient to

defend you against powerful enemies and distrusted subjects。 Therefore;

as I have said; a new prince in a new principality has always

distributed arms。 Histories are full of examples。 But when a prince

acquires a new state; which he adds as a province to his old one; then

it is necessary to disarm the men of that state; except those who have

been his adherents in acquiring it; and these again; with time and

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