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马基雅维里 君主论英文prince-第章

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solemn banquet to which he invited Giovanni Fogliani and the chiefs of

Fermo。 When the viands and all the other entertainments that are usual

in such banquets were finished; Oliverotto artfully began certain grave

discourses; speaking of the greatness of Pope Alexander and his son

Cesare; and of their enterprises; to which discourse Giovanni and others

answered; but he rose at once; saying that such matters ought to be

discussed in a more private place; and he betook himself to a chamber;

whither Giovanni and the rest of the citizens went in after him。 No

sooner were they seated than soldiers issued from secret places and

slaughtered Giovanni and the rest。 After these murders Oliverotto;

mounted on horseback; rode up and down the town and besieged the chief

magistrate in the palace; so that in fear the people were forced to obey

him; and to form a government; of which he made himself the prince。 He

killed all the malcontents who were able to injure him; and strengthened

himself with new civil and military ordinances; in such a way that; in

the year during which he held the principality; not only was he secure

in the city of Fermo; but he had bee formidable to all his

neighbours。 And his destruction would have been as difficult as that of

Agathocles if he had not allowed himself to be overreached by Cesare

Borgia; who took him with the Orsini and Vitelli at Sinigaglia; as was

stated above。 Thus one year after he had mitted this parricide; he

was strangled; together with Vitellozzo; whom he had made his leader in

valour and wickedness。

Some may wonder how it can happen that Agathocles; and his like; after

infinite treacheries and cruelties; should live for long secure in his

country; and defend himself from external enemies; and never be

conspired against by his own citizens; seeing that many others; by means

of cruelty; have never been able even in peaceful times to hold the

state; still less in the doubtful times of war。 I believe that this

follows from severities being badly or properly used。 Those may be

called properly used; if of evil it is lawful to speak well; that are

applied at one blow and are necessary to one's security; and that are

not persisted in afterwards unless they can be turned to the advantage

of the subjects。 The badly employed are those which; notwithstanding

they may be few in the mencement; multiply with time rather than

decrease。 Those who practise the first system are able; by aid of God or

man; to mitigate in some degree their rule; as Agathocles did。 It is

impossible for those who follow the other to maintain themselves。

Hence it is to be remarked that; in seizing a state; the usurper ought

to examine closely into all those injuries which it is necessary for him

to inflict; and to do them all at one stroke so as not to have to repeat

them daily; and thus by not unsettling men he will be able to reassure

them; and win them to himself by benefits。 He who does otherwise; either

from timidity or evil advice; is always pelled to keep the knife in

his hand; neither can he rely on his subjects; nor can they attach

themselves to him; owing to their continued and repeated wrongs。 For

injuries ought to be done all at one time; so that; being tasted less;

they offend less; benefits ought to be given little by little; so that

the flavour of them may last longer。

And above all things; a prince ought to live amongst his people in such

a way that no unexpected circumstances; whether of good or evil; shall

make him change; because if the necessity for this es in troubled

times; you are too late for harsh measures; and mild ones will not help

you; for they will be considered as forced from you; and no one will be

under any obligation to you for them。



BUT ing to the other point  where a leading citizen bees the

prince of his country; not by wickedness or any intolerable violence;

but by the favour of his fellow citizens  this may be called a civil

principality: nor is genius or fortune altogether necessary to attain to

it; but rather a happy shrewdness。 I say then that such a principality

is obtained either by the favour of the people or by the favour of the

nobles。 Because in all cities these two distinct parties are found; and

from this it arises that the people do not wish to be ruled nor

oppressed by the nobles; and the nobles wish to rule and oppress the

people; and from these two opposite desires there arises in cities one

of three results; either a principality; self…government; or anarchy。

A principality is created either by the people or by the nobles;

accordingly as one or other of them has the opportunity; for the nobles;

seeing they cannot withstand the people; begin to cry up the reputation

of one of themselves; and they make him a prince; so that under his

shadow they can give vent to their ambitions。 The people; finding they

cannot resist the nobles; also cry up the reputation of one of

themselves; and make him a prince so as to be defended by his authority。

He who obtains sovereignty by the assistance of the nobles maintains

himself with more difficulty than he who es to it by the aid of the

people; because the former finds himself with many around him who

consider themselves his equals; and because of this he can neither rule

nor manage them to his liking。 But he who reaches sovereignty by popular

favour finds himself alone; and has none around him; or few; who are not

prepared to obey him。

Besides this; one cannot by fair dealing; and without injury to others;

satisfy the nobles; but you can satisfy the people; for their object is

more righteous than that of the nobles; the latter wishing to oppress;

whilst the former only desire not to be oppressed。 It is to be added

also that a prince can never secure himself against a hostile people;

because of their being too many; whilst from the nobles he can secure

himself; as they are few in number。 The worst that a prince 
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