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 as if Scott had mentioned George Washington。

〃Ancient history; I suppose。〃

Rand shrugged。 〃I've never heard of Reflex Point either。 'Course; I don't mix much when I don't have to。 As far as I know; the Invid HQ is north of here…way north。〃 Fascinated; he watched as Scott; now on his knees; collapsed and stepped out of the two…wheeled backpack; returning the mecha to Cyclone configuration。 〃You really going to try and find Reflex?〃

〃That's what I'm here for;〃 said Scott; doffing the helmet。 As he pulled it over his head; the chin strap caught the holo…locket's chain and took it along。 The heart fell and opened; replaying its brief message to Scott and his stunned panion。

〃。。。I'm looking forward to living the rest of my life with you。 I can't wait till this conflict is all behind us。 Till we meet again; my love。。。〃

Wordlessly; Scott stooped to retrieve the heart。

〃Hey; that's great!〃 said Rand。 〃Is that your girl?〃

〃Uh。。。my girl;〃 Scott stammered。 He straightened up; clutching the heart against his pectoral armor; and turned his back to Rand。


Dolza's annihilation bolts had devastated the South American coastal cities and turned much of the vast interior forest into wasteland。 Ironically enough; however; repopulation of the area was largely the result of the hundreds of Zentraedi warships that crashed there after the firing of the Grand Cannon。 Indeed; even after Khyron's efforts to stage a full…scale rebellion had failed; the region was still largely under Zentraedi domination (the T'sentrati Control Zone; as it was known to the indigenous peoples); up until the Malcontent uprisings of 2013…15 and the subsequent events headed up by Captain Maxmillian Sterling of the Robotech Defense Force。 But contrary to popular belief; Brazilas did not bee the lawless frontier Scott Bernard traversed until much later; specifically; the two…year period between the fall of Chairman Moran's Council and the Invid invasion。 In fact the region had seen extensive changes during the Second Robotech War and surely would have risen to the fore had it not been for the disastrous end to that fifteen…year epoch。
〃Southlands;〃 History of the Third Robotech War; Vol。 XXII

Countless people found themselves homeless after the Invid's preemptive strike against Earth; the waste was awash with wanderers; thieves; and madmen。 And; of course; children: lost; uprooted; orphaned。 They fared worse than the other groups; usually falling prey to illness; starvation; and marauding gangs。 Occasionally; one would stumble upon groups of them in devastated cities or natural shelters…caves; patches of forest; oases…forty or fifty strong; banded together like some feral family; and God help the one who tried to disturb their new order!。。。But this was the exception rather than the rule。 The great majority of them had to make their own way and fend for themselves; attach themselves…more often; enslave themselves…to whomever or whatever could provide them with some semblance of protection; the chance for a better tomorrow。

Laako City; largest settlement in the southern wastes; saw its fair share of these nameless drifters; and Ken was usually the one who weled them with open arms。 He was a tall; gangly streetwise eighteen…year…old with a reputation for dirty tricks; mean…spirited by nature but a charmer when he needed to be。 His long hair was a pewter color; save for the crimson forelock that was his trademark。

His most recent conquest was a young girl named Annie; who claimed to be fifteen。 But Ken had grown bored with her; besides; he had his eye fixed on a pretty little dark…haired urchin who had just arrived in Laako; and the time had e to kiss Annie off。

The trouble was that Annie didn't want to go。

〃Don't leave me like this!〃 she was pleading with hum just now; alligator tears coursing down moon…face cheeks。

〃Hey;〃 he told her soothingly; disengaging himself from her hold on his arm。 〃You knew from the start you'd have to leave someday。〃

This was and was not true: Laako did maintain a policy of limiting the time outsiders were allowed to spend in the city; but well…connected Ken could easily have steered his way around the regs。 If he had been so inclined。

The two of them were standing at the causeway entrance to the city in the lake; the tall albeit ruined towers of the Laako's twin islands visible in the background。 Sundry trucks and tractors on their way to the causeway checkpoint were motoring by; kicking up dust and decibels alike。

〃Please; Ken!〃 Annie tried; emphatically this time; launching herself at him; hoping to pinion his arms with her small hands。 It was push and pull for a moment…Ken saying; 〃Annie!。。。Cut it out!。。。Stop it!〃 to Annie's 〃I can't!。。。I won't!。。。I can't!…〃 but ultimately he put a violent end to it; bringing his arms up with such force that Annie was thrown to the ground。

Which was easy enough for him to do。 She was a good foot shorter than Ken; with a large mouth; long; straight; carrot…colored hair; and what some might have termed a cherublike cuteness about her。 Her single outfit consisted of an olive…drab double…breasted military jumpsuit she had picked up along the trail; set off by a pink frameless rucksack and a maroon visored cap emblazoned with the letters E。T; a piece of twentieth…century nostalgia that dated back to a popular science…fantasy film。 It was difficult to tell…as it was with many of the lost…whether Annie was searching for a friend; a father; or a lover。 And it was doubtful that she could have answered the question either。

〃I told you to cut it out;〃 Ken started to say; but the sight of her kneeling in the dirt crying her eyes out managed to touch what meager tenderness he still possessed。 〃Don't you see I have no choice?〃 he continued apologetically; walking over to her and placing his hand on her heaving shoulder。 〃This whole thing is just as hard for me as it is for you; Annie。 Please try and understand。〃

She kept her face buried in her hands; sobbing while he spoke。

〃Nobody who es from the outside can stay for more than a little while; remember? And if I left here; I wouldn't be allowed to return。。。〃

Suddenly the tears were gone and
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