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glasses; have you? Edward and Christopher mean to make 
you shoot。 Can you shoot? I shouldn’t think so—” 

“Look here; you must explain;” said Ralph。 “Who are 
these young men? Where am I staying?” 

“You are staying with us; of course;” she said boldly。 
“Of course; you’re staying with us—you don’t mind ing; 
do you?” 

“If I had; I shouldn’t have e;” he said sturdily。 They 
walked on in silence; Mary took care not to break it for a 
time。 She wished Ralph to feel; as she thought he would; 
all the fresh delights of the earth and air。 She was right。 


Virginia Woolf 

In a moment he expressed his pleasure; much to her fort。 

“This is the sort of country I thought you’d live in; 
Mary;” he said; pushing his hat back on his head; and 
looking about him。 “Real country。 No gentlemen’s seats。” 

He snuffed the air; and felt more keenly than he had 
done for many weeks the pleasure of owning a body。 

“Now we have to find our way through a hedge;” said 
Mary。 In the gap of the hedge Ralph tore up a poacher’s 
wire; set across a hole to trap a rabbit。 

“It’s quite right that they should poach;” said Mary; 
watching him tugging at the wire。 “I wonder whether it 
was Alfred Duggins or Sid Rankin? How can one expect 
them not to; when they only make fifteen shillings a 
week? Fifteen shillings a week;” she repeated; ing 
out on the other side of the hedge; and running her fingers 
through her hair to rid herself of a bramble which 
had attached itself to her。 “I could live on fifteen shillings 
a week—easily。” 

“Could you?” said Ralph。 “I don’t believe you could;” 
he added。 

“Oh yes。 They have a cottage thrown in; and a garden 
where one can grow vegetables。 It wouldn’t be half bad;” 
said Mary; with a soberness which impressed Ralph very much。 

“But you’d get tired of it;” he urged。 

“I sometimes think it’s the only thing one would never 
get tired of;” she replied。 

The idea of a cottage where one grew one’s own vegetables 
and lived on fifteen shillings a week; filled Ralph 
with an extraordinary sense of rest and satisfaction。 

“But wouldn’t it be on the main road; or next door to a 
woman with six squalling children; who’d always be hanging 
her washing out to dry across your garden?” 

“The cottage I’m thinking of stands by itself in a little 

“And what about the Suffrage?” he asked; attempting 

“Oh; there are other things in the world besides the 
Suffrage;” she replied; in an offhand manner which was 
slightly mysterious。 

Ralph fell silent。 It annoyed him that she should have 
plans of which he knew nothing; but he felt that he had 


Night and Day 

no right to press her further。 His mind settled upon the 
idea of life in a country cottage。 Conceivably; for he could 
not examine into it now; here lay a tremendous possibility; 
a solution of many problems。 He struck his stick upon 
the earth; and stared through the dusk at the shape of 
the country。 

“D’you know the points of the pass?” he asked。 

“Well; of course;” said Mary。 “What d’you take me for?— 
a Cockney like you?” She then told him exactly where the 
north lay; and where the south。 

“It’s my native land; this;” she said。 “I could smell my 
way about it blindfold。” 

As if to prove this boast; she walked a little quicker; so 
that Ralph found it difficult to keep pace with her。 At the 
same time; he felt drawn to her as he had never been 
before; partly; no doubt; because she was more independent 
of him than in London; and seemed to be attached 
firmly to a world where he had no place at all。 Now the 
dusk had fallen to such an extent that he had to follow 
her implicitly; and even lean his hand on her shoulder 
when they jumped a bank into a very narrow lane。 And he 

felt curiously shy of her when she began to shout through 
her hands at a spot of light which swung upon the mist 
in a neighboring field。 He shouted; too; and the light 
stood still。 

“That’s Christopher; e in already; and gone to feed 
his chickens;” she said。 

She introduced him to Ralph; who could see only a tall 
figure in gaiters; rising from a fluttering circle of soft feathery 
bodies; upon whom the light fell in wavering discs; 
calling out now a bright spot of yellow; now one of greenish
black and scarlet。 Mary dipped her hand in the bucket 
he carried; and was at once the center of a circle also; and 
as she cast her grain she talked alternately to the birds 
and to her brother; in the same clucking; halfinarticulate 
voice; as it sounded to Ralph; standing on the outskirts of 
the fluttering feathers in his black overcoat。 

He had removed his overcoat by the time they sat round 
the dinnertable; but nevertheless he looked very strange 
among the others。 A country life and breeding had preserved 
in them all a look which Mary hesitated to call 
either innocent or youthful; as she pared them; now 


Virginia Woolf 

sitting round in an oval; softly illuminated by candlelight; 
and yet it was something of the kind; yes; even in 
the case of the Rector himself。 Though superficially marked 
with lines; his face was a clear pink; and his blue eyes 
had the longsighted; peaceful expression of eyes seeking 
the turn of the road; or a distant light through rain; 
or the darkness of winter。 She looked at Ralph。 He had 
never appeared to her more concentrated and full of purpose; 
as if behind his forehead were massed so much 
experience that he could choose for himself which part 
of it he would display and which part he would keep to 
himself。 pared with that dark and stern countenance; 
her brothers’ faces; bending low over their soupplates; 
were mere circles of pink; unmolded flesh。 

“You came by the 3。10; Mr。 Denham?” said the Reverend 
Wyndham Datchet; tucking his napkin into his collar; 
so that almost the whole of his body was concealed by a 
large white diamond。 “They treat us very well; on the 
whole。 Considering the increase of traffic; they treat us 
very well indeed。 I have the curiosi
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