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her?” she asked passionately。 “What have we got to 
give her? She’s happy too;” she added。 “She has her work。” 

Her voice shook slightly; and the light swam like an ocean 

of gold behind her tears。 

“You don’t want me to go to her?” Ralph asked。 

“Go; if you like; tell her what you like;” she replied。 

He crossed the road immediately; and went up the steps 
into Mary’s house。 Katharine stood where he left her; looking 
at the window and expecting soon to see a shadow 
move across it; but she saw nothing; the blinds conveyed 
nothing; the light was not moved。 It signaled to her across 
the dark street; it was a sign of triumph shining there for 
ever; not to be extinguished this side of the grave。 She 
brandished her happiness as if in salute; she dipped it as 
if in reverence。 “How they burn!” she thought; and all 
the darkness of London seemed set with fires; roaring 
upwards; but her eyes came back to Mary’s window and 
rested there satisfied。 She had waited some time before a 
figure detached itself from the doorway and came across 
the road; slowly and reluctantly; to where she stood。 

“I didn’t go in—I couldn’t bring myself;” he broke off。 
He had stood outside Mary’s door unable to bring himself 
to knock; if she had e out she would have found him 


Virginia Woolf 

there; the tears running down his cheeks; unable to speak。 

They stood for some moments; looking at the illuminated 
blinds; an expression to them both of something 
impersonal and serene in the spirit of the woman within; 
working out her plans far into the night—her plans for 
the good of a world that none of them were ever to know。 
Then their minds jumped on and other little figures came 
by in procession; headed; in Ralph’s view; by the figure 
of Sally Seal。 

“Do you remember Sally Seal?” he asked。 Katharine bent 
her head。 

“Your mother and Mary?” he went on。 “Rodney and 
Cassandra? Old Joan up at Highgate?” He stopped in his 
enumeration; not finding it possible to link them together 
in any way that should explain the queer bination 
which he could perceive in them; as he thought of them。 
They appeared to him to be more than individuals; to be 
made up of many different things in cohesion; he had a 
vision of an orderly world。 

“It’s all so easy—it’s all so simple;” Katherine quoted; 
remembering some words of Sally Seal’s; and wishing Ralph 

to understand that she followed the track of his thought。 
She felt him trying to piece together in a laborious and 
elementary fashion fragments of belief; unsoldered and 
separate; lacking the unity of phrases fashioned by the 
old believers。 Together they groped in this difficult region; 
where the unfinished; the unfulfilled; the unwritten; 
the unreturned; came together in their ghostly way 
and wore the semblance of the plete and the satisfactory。 
The future emerged more splendid than ever from 
this construction of the present。 Books were to be written; 
and since books must be written in rooms; and rooms 
must have hangings; and outside the windows there must 
be land; and an horizon to that land; and trees perhaps; 
and a hill; they sketched a habitation for themselves upon 
the outline of great offices in the Strand and continued 
to make an account of the future upon the omnibus which 
took them towards Chelsea; and still; for both of them; it 
swam miraculously in the golden light of a large steady 

As the night was far advanced they had the whole of 
the seats on the top of the omnibus to choose from; and 


Night and Day 

the roads; save for an occasional couple; wearing even at 
midnight; an air of sheltering their words from the public; 
were deserted。 No longer did the shadow of a man 
sing to the shadow of a piano。 A few lights in bedroom 
windows burnt but were extinguished one by one as the 
omnibus passed them。 

They dismounted and walked down to the river。 She felt 
his arm stiffen beneath her hand; and knew by this token 
that they had entered the enchanted region。 She might 
speak to him; but with that strange tremor in his voice; 
those eyes blindly adoring; whom did he answer? What 
woman did he see? And where was she walking; and who 
was her panion? Moments; fragments; a second of 
vision; and then the flying waters; the winds dissipating 
and dissolving; then; too; the recollection from chaos; 
the return of security; the earth firm; superb and brilliant 
in the sun。 From the heart of his darkness he spoke his 
thanksgiving; from a region as far; as hidden; she answered 
him。 On a June night the nightingales sing; they 
answer each other across the plain; they are heard under 
the window among the trees in the garden。 Pausing; they 

looked down into the river which bore its dark tide of 
waters; endlessly moving; beneath them。 They turned and 
found themselves opposite the house。 Quietly they surveyed 
the friendly place; burning its lamps either in expectation 
of them or because Rodney was still there talking 
to Cassandra。 Katharine pushed the door half open 
and stood upon the threshold。 The light lay in soft golden 
grains upon the deep obscurity of the hushed and sleeping 
household。 For a moment they waited; and then loosed 
their hands。 “Good night;” he breathed。 “Good night;” 
she murmured back to him。 


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