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Katharine seemed to waken pletely; and at once to 
be in control of herself。 

“At the Zoo?” she asked。 

“No; on the way home。 When we had tea。” 

As if foreseeing that the interview might be long; and 
the night chilly; Katharine advised Cassandra to wrap herself 
in a quilt。 Cassandra did so with unbroken solemnity。 

“There’s a train at eleven;” she said。 “I shall tell Aunt 
Maggie that I have to go suddenly… 。 I shall make Violet’s 
visit an excuse。 But; after thinking it over; I don’t see 


Virginia Woolf 

how I can go without telling you the truth。” 

She was careful to abstain from looking in Katharine’s 
direction。 There was a slight pause。 

“But I don’t see the least reason why you should go;” 
said Katharine eventually。 Her voice sounded so astonishingly 
equable that Cassandra glanced at her。 It was 
impossible to suppose that she was either indignant or 
surprised; she seemed; on the contrary; sitting up in bed; 
with her arms clasped round her knees and a little frown 
on her brow; to be thinking closely upon a matter of 
indifference to her。 

“Because I can’t allow any man to behave to me in that 
way;” Cassandra replied; and she added; “particularly when 
I know that he is engaged to some one else。” 

“But you like him; don’t you?” Katharine inquired。 

“That’s got nothing to do with it;” Cassandra exclaimed 
indignantly。 “I consider his conduct; under the circumstances; 
most disgraceful。” 

This was the last of the sentences of her premeditated 
speech; and having spoken it she was left unprovided 
with any more to say in that particular style。 When 

Katharine remarked: 

“I should say it had everything to do with it;” Cassandra’s 
selfpossession deserted her。 

“I don’t understand you in the least; Katharine。 How 
can you behave as you behave? Ever since I came here 
I’ve been amazed by you!” 

“You’ve enjoyed yourself; haven’t you?” Katharine asked。 

“Yes; I have;” Cassandra admitted。 

“Anyhow; my behavior hasn’t spoiled your visit。” 

“No;” Cassandra allowed once more。 She was pletely 
at a loss。 In her forecast of the interview she had taken it 
for granted that Katharine; after an outburst of incredulity; 
would agree that Cassandra must return home as 
soon as possible。 But Katharine; on the contrary; accepted 
her statement at once; seemed neither shocked nor surprised; 
and merely looked rather more thoughtful than 
usual。 From being a mature woman charged with an important 
mission; Cassandra shrunk to the stature of an 
inexperienced child。 

“Do you think I’ve been very foolish about it?” she 


Night and Day 

Katharine made no answer; but still sat deliberating silently; 
and a certain feeling of alarm took possession of 
Cassandra。 Perhaps her words had struck far deeper than 
she had thought; into depths beyond her reach; as so much 
of Katharine was beyond her reach。 She thought suddenly 
that she had been playing with very dangerous tools。 

Looking at her at length; Katharine asked slowly; as if 
she found the question very difficult to ask。 

“But do you care for William?” 

She marked the agitation and bewilderment of the girl’s 
expression; and how she looked away from her。 

“Do you mean; am I in love with him?” Cassandra asked; 
breathing quickly; and nervously moving her hands。 

“Yes; in love with him;” Katharine repeated。 

“How can I love the man you’re engaged to marry?” 
Cassandra burst out。 

“He may be in love with you。” 

“I don’t think you’ve any right to say such things; 
Katharine;” Cassandra exclaimed。 “Why do you say them? 
Don’t you mind in the least how William behaves to other 
women? If I were engaged; I couldn’t bear it!” 

“We’re not engaged;” said Katharine; after a pause。 

“Katharine!” Cassandra cried。 

“No; we’re not engaged;” Katharine repeated。 “But no 
one knows it but ourselves。” 

“But why—I don’t understand—you’re not engaged!” 
Cassandra said again。 “Oh; that explains it! You’re not in 
love with him! You don’t want to marry him!” 

“We aren’t in love with each other any longer;” said 
Katharine; as if disposing of something for ever and ever。 

“How queer; how strange; how unlike other people you 
are; Katharine;” Cassandra said; her whole body and voice 
seeming to fall and collapse together; and no trace of anger 
or excitement remaining; but only a dreamy quietude。 

“You’re not in love with him?” 

“But I love him;” said Katharine。 

Cassandra remained bowed; as if by the weight of the 
revelation; for some little while longer。 Nor did Katharine 
speak。 Her attitude was that of some one who wishes to 
be concealed as much as possible from observation。 She 
sighed profoundly; she was absolutely silent; and apparently 
overe by her thoughts。 


Virginia Woolf 

“D’you know what time it is?” she said at length; and 
shook her pillow; as if making ready for sleep。 

Cassandra rose obediently; and once more took up her 
candle。 Perhaps the white dressinggown; and the loosened 
hair; and something unseeing in the expression of 
the eyes gave her a likeness to a woman walking in her 
sleep。 Katharine; at least; thought so。 

“There’s no reason why I should go home; then?” 
Cassandra said; pausing。 “Unless you want me to go; 
Katharine? What do you want me to do?” 

For the first time their eyes met。 

“You wanted us to fall in love;” Cassandra exclaimed; as 
if she read the certainty there。 But as she looked she saw 
a sight that surprised her。 The tears rose slowly in 
Katharine’s eyes and stood there; brimming but contained—
the tears of some profound emotion; happiness; 
grief; renunciation; an emotion so plex in its nature 
that to express it was impossible; and Cassandra; bending 
her head and receiving the tears upon her cheek; 
accepted them in silence as the consecration of her love。 

“Please; miss;” said the maid; about eleven o’clock on 

the following morning; “Mrs。 Milvain is in the kitchen。” 

A long wicker baske
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